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What I Learnt Today: Kaspersky Soon To Launch Their Completely Hack-Proof Operating System

What I Learnt Today: Kaspersky Soon To Launch Their Completely Hack-Proof Operating System

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Kaspersky , the famous Russian company which provides international cyber-security and anti-virus has recently stated that it has developed a completely hack-proof operating system. The name of this hack-proof operating system is Kaspersky OS.
Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky said that this hack-proof operating system has been under developmental stages from the past 14 years and it’s the time to reveal it publicly. He also said that the official release date of Kaspersky OS is November 11.
Kaspersky OS was launched on a Kraftway Layer 3 Switch, which is the key necessity for running Kaspersky OS. The Switch is intended for systems that require high level of data security.
Rather than utilizing Linux, Kaspersky chose to make a completely new OS, which is certainly more. So, Kaspersky OS is completely different from others because of having the several exclusive characteristics. Such as :
  • It is Microkernel Architecture based, which allows users to fully customize the OS
  • It is a GUI-Less OS and doesn’t require “even the slightest smell of Linux” to run
  • The system comes with a built-in security mechanism having the ability to control the operations and behaviors of the OS modules as well as the applications. This is what makes it hacking-proof
According to the Kaspersky’s statement :
“Everything has been built from scratch. Anticipating your questions: not even the slightest smell of Linux. All the popular operating systems aren’t designed with security in mind, so it’s simpler and safer to start from the ground up and do everything correctly. Which is just what we did.”
“In order to hack this platform, a cyber-baddie would need to break the digital signature, which – anytime before the introduction of quantum computers – would be exorbitantly expensive.”

Sources for the post and further reading

Tags : Hacks, News, Security, Software, Technology, Operating System, Inventions, 

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