- Dogs curl up in a ball when they sleep and this instinct help them to keep themselves warm and to protect vital organs while they sleep.
- Always Dog’s nose remains wet because it helps to absorb scent chemicals.
- At the point when dogs poop, they like to do it in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field.
- Dogs’ smell power is 10K to 10 million times stronger than humans.
- Dogs may get jealous if they see their master showing affection toward something or another person/dog.

- Dogs are not colorblind, they can see various shades of black, white, blue & yellow.
- Some Dogs can alert diabetic patient when their sugar level drops very low.
- Trained Dogs can detect cancer in its early stages.
- Dogs only have sweat glands under their feet.
- Dogs have at least 18 muscles in each ear.
- Dogs have an excellent eye-vision during night than humans.

- Dog’s hearing ability is 10 times stronger than humans. Also they can hear ultrasounds.
- Dogs can understand, memorize & recognize more than 150 words.
- Every Dog has its own unique nose print. It’s similar to human’s fingerprints.
- Humans have been keeping dogs as pets for about 20,000 years.
- Dogs dream in the sleep like humans.

references :
Tags : Animals, Facts, Science, Wildlife, Dogs,
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