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"Share It with Steemit" should be a great idea [repost]

I believe sharing photos, arts, musics, videos, news, articles etc. of other people's works from different sources has also value. And also important for steemit community. You must follow some guidelines to make this kind of sharing post -
  • Don't spamming. Do not share random contents from web. Only share what you love most.
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Here I give some examples [I follow type (i) here -I wrote my own words & made a summarization] --

for arts -

Share it with steemit : Some Amazing Paper-Made Sculptures

Peter Callesen , the famous Dane artist created some incredible paper sculptures. He made all this sculptures from single sheet A4 paper. Here he stated :
 “By taking away all the information and starting from scratch using the  blank white A4 paper sheet for my creations, I feel I have found a  material that we are all able to relate to, and at the same time the A4  paper sheet is neutral and open to fill with different meaning. The thin  white paper gives the paper sculptures a frailty that underlines the  tragic and romantic theme of my works.
The paper cut sculptures explore the probable and magical transformation  of the flat sheet of paper into figures that expand into the space  surrounding them. The negative and absent 2 dimensional space left by  the cut, points out the contrast to the 3 dimensional reality it  creates, even though the figures still stick to their origin without the  possibility of escaping. In that sense there is also an aspect of  something tragic in many of the cuts.” 
Today here I share some of his art-works.  Below you will find a small gallery of Peter’s incredible artworks :

for photographs -

Share it with steemit : Incredible Sunset Photographs

When all colors of nature turn to pale …..
When the light from the sky seems diffused and pinkish…….
The sun is beneath the skyline, yet its beams are scattered by Earth’s environment to make the shades of nightfall. 
Today here I share some amazing sunset photographs. I got them from -

for videos -

Share it with Steemit : Fantastic Street Magic Tricks in India

Today here I share an amazing video of Indian street magic show.
Hope enjoy this --

Original Uploader :  Fun Unlimited 

for news -

Share it with Steemit :  Security Experts Warn Congress That the Internet of Things Could Kill People

Poorly secured webcams and other  Internet-connected devices are already being used as tools for  cyberattacks. Can the government prevent this from becoming a  catastrophic problem? 
A growing mass of poorly secured devices on the Internet of things  represents a serious risk to life and property, and the government must  intervene to mitigate it. That’s essentially the message that prominent  computer security experts recently delivered to Congress. 
 The huge denial-of-service attack in October that crippled the Internet infrastructure provider Dyn and knocked out much of the Web for users in the eastern United States was “benign,” Bruce Schneier, a renowned security scholar and lecturer on public policy at Harvard, said during a hearing  last month held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. No one  died. But he said the attack—which relied on a botnet made of hacked  webcams, camcorders, baby monitors, and other devices—illustrated the  “catastrophic risks” posed by the proliferation of insecure things on  the Internet. 

or, you may also share the news in this following way --

Share it with Steemit :   Millions of Google Accounts Compromised by Gooligan Malware Attack

Gooligan Malware Attack is compromising Google accounts on android devices including Gmail, Google Play, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Photos and some other services of Google. This malware is now attacking near 13K Google accounts on android devices per day. 
 Google is aware & release an update recently :
“Gooligan has breached over a million Google accounts. We believe that it is the largest Google account breach to date,”
Researchers of an IT security firm CheckPoint, have discovered this malware campaign that has been targeting Android users. This malware has already breached more than 1 million Google accounts of users around the world.
IT Security firm Checkpoint stated that :
 “These exploits still plague many devices today because security patches that fix them may not be available for some versions of Android, or the patches were never installed by the user. If rooting is successful, the attacker has full control of the device and can execute privileged commands remotely.” 
 How does Gooligan attack ? At first hackers uploaded several Gooligan infected apps on third party stores. When you install one of them then Gooligan collects data about your android device and downloads its rootkit. Then Gooligan roots your android device and downloads its own module. On the next step it steals authentication tokens which are used to hack Google accounts. Gooligan also installs adware on your android device , so, they can earn some revenues from your online activities. And also it rates itself on Google Play Store to increase its rating.A list of Gooligan malware-infected apps (You must avoid these apps to download) - 

for articles -

Share it with Steemit :  Pterodactyl was not only the flying dinosaur, There were many

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image source & credit : LINK
We are all familiar to Pterodactyl, the flying dinosaur. But, actually there existed so many flying dinosaurs. The common name of all this “flying dinosaurs” is Pterosaurs. There are about 130 genus of Pterosaurs existed in the jurassic period. Here I listed some of them —

1. Pterodactyl

The Pterodactyls had a couple of very wide wings up to 40 feet long. But, these wings are not similar to modern bird’s wings. There were no feathers , their wings were made of a leathery substance. They lived near the sea in the cave & trees. They ate sea fish, large insects & other small dinosaurs. We found their fossils in Europe, North America, Australia, and Africa.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Pterodactyl Fossil
image source & credit : LINK

2. Petinosaurus

Petinosaurus wings were formed by membranes of skin and other soft tissues. And also there were no feathers on their wings. These types of flying dinosaurs are small in size than Pterodactyl. Food habit is the same as Pterodactyl. They lived in the trees.
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image source & credit : LINK

3. Pteranodon

Pteranodon mens toothless wing. Yes, this type of flying dinosaur had no teeth. Length of the wings was 6 metre. They had also featherless wings. They lived in the caves & trees. Their food habit is the same as Pterodactyl. Their fossils were found in North America & Europe.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Pteranodon fossil
image source & credit : LINK

4. Quetzalcoatlus

The wings length of Quetzalcoatlus was near 36 feet. They had also featherless leather wings. They were toothless dinosaurs. Their food habit is the same as Pterodactyl.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Quetzalcoatlus fossil
image source & credit : LINK

5. Archaeopteryx

Archaeopteryx had feathers on their wings. They lived in the bushes & trees. They ate small insects & fish.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Archaeopteryx fossil
image source & credit : LINK

6. Avisaurus

Avisaurus was very similar to Archaeopteryx in size, nature & habit. Their wing length was up to 3 metre. Their food habit was similar to Archaeopteryx.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Avisaurus fossil
image source & credit : LINK

7. Confuciusornis

The size of Confuciusornis was very small like a modern crow. Their wings length was about 2 feet long. They had also feathers on their wings. They had also a long tail. Their diet was similar to modern crows.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Confuciusornis fossil
image source & credit : LINK

8. Haopterus

Haopterus was very similar to Pterodactyl. The length of their wings was near 30 feet long. They lived in the caves & trees near the sea shore. They ate sea fishes & small dinosaurs.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Haopterus fossil
image source & credit : LINK

9. Microraptor

Microraptor was small in size. They had four wings. The length of their wings was about 2.5 feet. They had also feathers on their wings. Their food habit is similar to Avisaurus.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Microraptor fossil
image source & credit : LINK

10. Rahonavis

Rahonavis was very similar to Microraptor in size, shape, nature & habit. Their wing was covered with long feathers & length of their wings was near to 2 feet. Their food habit was also same as Microraptor.
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image source & credit : LINK
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Rahonavis fossil
image source & credit : LINK
references :

That's all. I hope you may understand my proposal for running a new section "Share It with Steemit". Thank you :)

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