live tiny turtles in the keychains
An amazing & also shocking information is just waiting for you. You must be astonished when you hear the truth about the components used to make some sort of keychains in China. In China some sort of keychains are made with live animals. These special keychains are made for tourists.

live goldfish in keychains
Which animals are used ?
Generally small fishes or turtles are placed in a small sealed plastic keychain container.

live colorful fish in souvenirs
How long these animals live in keychains?
The sellers claim that they keep some nutritious supplements inside the plastic containers. This nutritious supplements keep the animals alive for several weeks or months. This is 100% false. Only food makes no animal live for a long. Without fresh oxygen, water, air no animals can survive for a long. Actually, no access to air and limited space kills these animals quite quickly.

gold fish in the key chains
Unfortunately, buying or selling these poor creatures as keychains is not banned in China. These activities are legal. I think it should be banned.

turtle in the souvenir
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